<aside> ❓ FAQ: Do I need to own any crypto to join Ukraine DAO?


<aside> ✅ Answer: No, you don’t. In fact, you do not need to know anything about crypto to support Ukraine DAO or to be a contributor.



Building Ukraine DAO

Ukraine DAO Culture Handbook

Community Building

<aside> ❓ If you’d like to suggest new materials to add, feel free to share them through the Feedback Form.


<aside> ⚙ We’ve inspired a book! Impact DAOs Book “The origins of this book can be traced to the founding of Ukraine DAO, an organization that seemingly appeared out of nowhere and raised $7 million from 3000 people on the internet thanks to the power of cryptocurrency.”




Web3 for newbies

DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organization



Impact DAOs Book

contributor wellbeing.

Related Links

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations and Policy Considerations in the United States | Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

Harvard, Belfer Center - Case Profiles of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations


Case Profiles of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations | Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

World Economic Forum - DAOs for Impact Report


DAOs for Impact

Ukraine’s national course on crypto literacy and blockchain (created with Ukraine DAO’s support)

<aside> 📝 This course on crypto literacy and blockchain is free and available to all Ukrainians here:

Дія.Освіта — Освітній проєкт з криптограмотності та блокчейну. Модуль 3
