non-violent communication.

things BanklessDAO gets right: culture

Ukraine DAO Culture Handbook

maintaining mental hygiene.

twitter feed - contributor wellbeing.

conflict resolution.

Building Ukraine DAO

Contributor Education - What? Why? How?

<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Contributor education is essential for individuals, DAOs and the DAO ecosystem as a whole.


  1. Individuals - Equip contributors with individual skills so they can express their full potential.

  2. DAOs - Train contributors and operators in designing and facilitating the next generation of organizations.

  3. Ecosystem - Establish a foundation for a dynamic, interoperable ecosystem of contributors and operators who share a common ground.

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Contributor Skills

Key points from TwoPlus blog - DAO Contributor Skills: Mental Fitness, Self-Direction, Facilitation:

  1. Working in a DAO is about processing vast amounts of complex information and facilitating human collaboration in a fully digital work environment.
  2. Web3 and the self-managing nature of DAOs is democratizing the ability for many DAO contributors to be impactful leaders.
  3. In self-managing organizations like DAOs aim to be, facilitation is the one true skillset that high value contributors should master.

DAO Contributor Skills: Mental Fitness, Self-Direction, Facilita…

DAO Facilitation

Facilitation is to DAOs what management is to traditional organizations: a skill that makes things move forward.

Mental Health