<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark-outline_gray.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark-outline_gray.svg" width="40px" /> This page provides a summary of our guiding principles (see ”Our values” section of this page) and tips on how to grow and thrive as our community member. These values are very important to observe in our every day coordination.

Reading recommendation for everyone who wants to organise their own team - “The Advantage” by Patrick Lencioni.

You can also check out Building Ukraine DAO to see the materials that helped us develop our community.


Our Mission

<aside> 🔱 We use the power of Web3, tech, and online community to help Ukraine win.


We are not neutral. Neutrality in the fact of evil, is evil.

We are not neutral. Neutrality in the fact of evil, is evil.

Our Values

Respect for Ukraine’s agency.

We strongly believe in Ukraine’s right to defend itself against the unprovoked russian invasion.

Our community is Ukraine-centric.

We place high value on the perspectives of Ukrainians.

Westplaining is NOT tolerated. In group discussions, priority is given to Ukrainian voices. We understand that our opinions can be challenged by others, and we approach new conversations with curiosity and an open mind.

Maintaining a sense of humour.

We maintain a sense of humour even in challenging circumstances.

In our community we share a lot of memes and jokes, and try to cheer each other up as much as possible.

We understand that humour is often a source of comfort and a coping mechanism for Ukrainians.