<aside> <img src="/icons/heart-outline_green.svg" alt="/icons/heart-outline_green.svg" width="40px" /> On this page we are collecting materials that anyone who wants to build a functional community/team (and a social impact DAO in particular) may find useful.


<aside> <img src="/icons/book-closed_gray.svg" alt="/icons/book-closed_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Key book recommendations:

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Organizational Health

Becoming a healthy organization takes a little time. Unfortunately, many of the leaders I’ve worked with suffer from a chronic case of adrenaline addiction, seemingly hooked on the daily rush of activity and firefighting within their organizations. It’s as though they’re afraid to slow down and deal with issues that are critical but don’t seem particularly urgent. As simple as this may seem, it remains a serious obstacle for many dysfunctional organizations led by executives who don’t understand that old race-car drivers’ axiom: you have to slow down in order to go fast.

Excerpt From: Patrick M. Lencioni. “The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business”

Resources used for building Ukraine DAO

“Using Ukraine DAO as a framework for success" - Coindesk - 14 March 2023

How Sports DAOs Can Offer Fans a Piece of the Action



  1. “The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity” - by David Graeber, David Wengrow

Good examples of Mission & Culture defined

  1. Giveth - Mission, Vision, and Values

Giveth Mission, Vision, and Values