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“Diversity and independence are important because the best collective decisions are the product of disagreement and contest, not consensus or compromise.” James Surowiecki, “The Wisdom of Crowds”

🌿 How to DAO 102: Conflict Resolution

Recommended for watching:

TLDR from the comments section:

The three pillars of Conflict:

  1. When its about the dishes, its not about the dishes
  2. We can get stuck - the seduction of justification
  3. The art of speaking resposibly - like learning a new language Solution: V ulnerability O wnership C ommunication A cceptance B oundaries

Conflict can be the engine of rejuvenation and creating better versions of ourselves.

Value of confrontation

Do not allow a suppressed conflict to build resentment in you towards other contributors. Prefer a direct and sincere confrontation if you’re not okay with something. Here are some guidelines to keep it productive: