Welcome to the Fact-Checking & Media Literacy Pod of Ukraine DAO!

Disinformation has been weaponised and russian propaganda kills Ukrainian people - as a result of russia spreading fake news Ukraine is often prevented from getting the help it needs.

Therefore, one of Ukraine DAO’s key areas of work is countering the spread of lies about Ukraine and promoting Media Literacy skills.

Main areas of work for Fact & Checking & Media Literacy Pod:

Key areas of work:

Continuously maintained pages:

Fact-Checking & Media Literacy (owned by Perri)

‣ (owned by Alona)

‣ (owned by Alona)

‣ (owned by Alona)

📈 Hoaxlines x UkraineDAO disinformation database (owned by Rosalie)

✅ We also continuously publish content on russian propaganda and disinformation in general on social media.

Contributors: Fact Checkers of Ukraine DAO

Private version of the page: [private] Fact Checking Contributors

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